Corporate & Political Positioning

Since 1981, Weeks&Co has built a winning reputation. The diversity and experience of Weeks&Co ranges from Presidential Campaigns to electing United States Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Judges and many down ballot statewide races and local campaigns.
Weeks&Co has helped Fortune 500 corporations in every major business line from Health Care to Telecom, to Energy and more, win major state contracts and keep them, positioned executive leadership and their companies out of crisis and developed strategies to increase market share and keep it.
Every aspect of political and corporate
communications: crisis communications, innovative
media creation and strategic/tactical planning is what
we do at Weeks&Co.



Dan Patrick
Brent Hagenbuch
Rick Perry
Ten Parker
Adam Hinojosa
November Inc
Donna Campbell
Rick Perry
November Inc
Dan Patrick
Texans Against Nuclear Waste
Dan Patrick
Adam  Hinojosa
Brent Hagenbuch
Better Nevada PAC
Phil Sorrells
Dean Heller
Dan Patrick
Rick Perry
Stronger Nevada PAC
Dan Patrick
Pete Flores
Texas Charter Schools
Renewable Water Resources, Colorado

Click the “Legacy Website” link below to explore highlights of the past 30 years of Weeks&Co
and our Winning Strategies.

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